CEC was started in 1985 by a group of academics and activists. Its focus is on areas that drive the adrenalin and creativity of staff and volunteers. We are a small catalytic organization with modest ambition but big on impact. Our work is on the next genre of ideas, innovations, technologies and field practices. We foster multi-disciplinary skill sets with talent offered by volunteers, experts and activists.
Last four decades our work spanned environment education, ecological hotspots, sustainable development of rain fed areas, participatory forestry, work tools for women, social protection and use of natural resources.
Our current focus is drought-prone water scarce areas that host the bulk of rural poor and our SWAR innovation is transforming irrigation and soil health ideas and practices. Our water and soil is foundation to sustainable resilient farming on which farmers build mezzanine of their choice and factor endowments.
Our current mission is to foster a rich ecosystem on water-soil-plant-climate resilience nexus because India has 17% of world’s population with 4% water and agriculture uses 84% and is largest user of groundwater and Irrigation efficiency 36% compared to global 76-80%. India is tropical country with rising water shortage and prolonged heat waves, moisture stress causes low productivity and low farm incomes while peak yield age fruit trees dry and die causing huge asset loss to farmers. We address the caveats & consequences of “state of art” water efficient drip and precision irrigation systems such as “field capacity to wilting point” in drip or use of plastic mulch in precision irrigation causing soil hard pan with zero water infiltration & low aeration leaving the soils dead. Consumers want healthy food and pay higher price and our strategy to increase farmer incomes. We lead with constructive actions on water and for soil biological health for sustainable agriculture and to address the challenges of climate change.